Your AI is flawed.

We know why.

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Proudly 100% U.S. - Based

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We Unlock the Power in Your Own Data and Enable Your AI/ML/BI Platform to Fulfill Your Expectations.

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Leading the Way in Government Agency Solutions

We are a registered federal contractor, as a direct provider of services to government entities, and as a subcontractor to other suppliers in a branded or white-label format.

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Manufacturing and Logistics

The manufacturing sector - across a wide variety of industries - is primed for productivity gains driven by AI and machine learning applications.

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With 100% on-shore staff and facilities, we provide the data security and exacting accuracy that government agencies and prime contractors demand.

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Satellite imagery can transform many business processes - and entire business. But that data must be labeled and structured before it can drive those gains.

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Property & Casualty - both residential and commercial - can lower their loss ratio through the use of unstructured data already in their possession.

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Real Estate & Home Finance

Real Estate and Home Finance are related business lines fortunate to have vast quantities of data. But much of it is unstructured - and must be labeled and annotated to unlock its full potential.

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Need Help Getting Started?

Answer a few yes/no questions and we'll guide you to the information you need.

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Do you have a particular business problem or opportunity to address?

Have you already purchased an AI/ML/BI platform?

Here's a short article on how to plan for success

The fastest way to realize value from your investment is to identify a need and execute a proof-of-concept test.

Have you already purchased an AI/ML/BI platform?

Selecting the appropriate platform is a complex decision. The first step is a review of your available data.

Are you satisfied with how the platform is performing?

Are you monitoring the output for bias, data drift, and other factors that increase risk?

You understand that managing risk requires constant oversight. Find out how we can help manage that function.

A model that performs well is an important first step - but it's vital to monitor your application to manage risk appropriately.

Are you utilizing your organization's unstructured data in your platform?

Not leveraging image, video, audio, .pdf, and other non-structured data can really limit performance.

Are you paying a third party to label / annotate your data?

You're probably using very expensive Data Engineering / Data Science resources to do this work!

Our 100% on-shore data services provide superior accuracy and data security. We should talk!

Let's Talk

Young African American businesswoman smiling and talking on a telephone

AI/ML/BI project moving too slowly? Accelerate your success with DataInFormationSM

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